Project Type
The Ian H. Graham Athletic Center was completed in 1975 and had reached its functional obsolescence in meeting both safety and competitive athletic standards. A $40 million renovation called for a new 35-meter pool and natatorium addition, repurposing the existing pool volume as a weight training and fitness center, updated locker room facilities, and completely new HVAC and life safety systems two new turf fields, a new entrance and parking lot. Hillier devised a phased approach to the project in response to the program’s academic schedule.
Program Arrangement
The design strategy places the natatorium at the far end of the existing field house, closer to the entry road. Between the new building and the existing, a two-level concourse serves as a connector and distributes athletes and spectators to their respective levels.

The new addition serves as a model in green design with a double wall that captures solar energy for reuse in heating the pool. The expansive roof surface is covered by photovoltaic panels where energy surplus is sold back to the energy company.